Saturday, August 13, 2022

Be Still, Cody - Discography

2014 - The Mariner
Download (320kbps) | YouTube | Bandcamp

1. Wrong Right
2. The White Devil
3. Shades of Green
4. My Never Here
5. Marble Head
6. Dearly Dead
7. Fight of the Mariner
8. Eloquence of the Speaker

2014 - Split with Bulldog Eyes
Download (320kbps) | YouTube | Bandcamp

1. Be Still, Cody - Eight Six
2. Be Still, Cody - Everyone's Everyone
3. Bulldog Eyes - Grief
4. Bulldog Eyes - Secret

2013 - Bumfuck Nowhere
Download (320kbps) | YouTube | Bandcamp

1. Whistle Past the Graveyard
2. It's Called an Idiom, Idiot
3. Alexander the Pretty Good
4. Octavio Paz

2013 - Type 7
Download (320kbps) | YouTube | Bandcamp

1. You Swindled Me
2. And Bye-Bye
3. The Painter's Vision is Not a Lens

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